The Mori Family has its roots in Lumezzane.

A land with a long historical tradition of working with metals that dates back to the Roman times. In 1974 Egidio Mori, along with his brothers who, at the time, were already working in the cutlery industry as contractors, established the Company EME (acronym of Egio Mori Elio).

The early years were difficult, but in the early 1980’s a major decision was made.To stop producing for the already established major companies, and to begin production of their own designs. The initial models were of classic stainless steel design, but then came the great step forward. Eme became the first company to design and produce full tang coloured handle cutlery.

Interest rapidly grew from all the major markets, permitting EME to become, with in a relative short period, one of the major manufacturers of cutlery in the world.

30 years of experience, technological expertise, has permitted EME to export around the world. In 2006 Egidio Mori’s sons entered the managerial team – Erik Mori, Director of Marketing, and Manuel, Director of Production.
The second generation continues the tradition of growth through research & development, a strong marketing strategy, and a firm corporate image.

Today Eme is present on the marketplace with 3 brands:

EME: Our general production that offers our clients a large range of products (all you need for the table and the home). With prices that range from the economical to the “not so” economical.

EME INNOVATION: Innovation explains it all. It is our corner of expression and design. The products that make up EME INNOVATION are exclusive, they are diverse.

SR: SR stands for Show Room, and was created to offer a very high quality, high finish product to the high-end sector of the retail, retail distribution, and wedding list markets.